At Up Collective, we'll advertise all open positions. Our recruitment process will be detailed in each job advert. If you would like to apply for a new role, please let your Line Manager know. We really support you if you want to try a career in a different part of the team and think internal transfers are an exciting prospect!
We'll screen all candidates for the role and carry out a fair and objective interview process. We'll decide who is best for the role based on the skills, experience, and traits it needs.
The requirements of candidates and team members who have a disability will be reviewed to ensure that wherever possible, reasonable adjustments are made to enable them to thrive at Up Collective.
“Reviews” are typically negative and generate a list of stuff you have done well, that you don’t feel elated by, and a list of opportunity areas as long as your arm. We want to create a positive culture around the process. Instead of typical reviews we have Career Check-Ins.
Twice per year, at a minimum, everyone has the opportunity to work with their line manager to...
Typically we have reviews in 2x set periods in the year - March & September, however this will change dependent on the individual. You should also…
Have a review at the end of your probation review
Have a 6 month check in
Ask for a review if you are ever feeling unclear on your next step or how you’re getting on vs. our expectations
The prep is a time for you to help the business align with your personal goals and aspirations, while taking stock of opportunities to learn, adjust or continue.
The session itself is a time for your manager to be clear on what they want to see from you & to clearly articulate how you are doing.