Copy Club is proud of the reputation that we have built, and want to maintain it, whilst protecting team members from unfair accusations in commercial matters.


Conflict of Interest

Team members will not:

Ethical Policy

Copy Club has standards for levels of service given to clients, which we monitor and improve on. We hold all team members to similar standards and expectations when conducting business transactions.

Anti-Bribery Policy

Copy Club insists that no team members throughout the business offer or accept any form of bribe in any business transaction. Bribes can come in a variety of forms such as corporate hospitality, charitable donations, and personal gifts, as well as money. Any breaches of this policy can result in disciplinary action.

Purchasing and Commissioning

All dealings with suppliers and clients must be properly handled, with the highest standards of objectivity, integrity, and fairness.

We are involved in commissioning work and in tenders for contracts with other organisations. Unless the CEO has given specific permission, team members must not provide information, support or assistance to any company or organisation tendering for work with them that would in any way enhance their chances of being successful in their bid.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

We are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business and supply chains. We have a duty of care and aim to act ethically in all of our business relationships. team members are encouraged to report any concerns so appropriate action can be taken.