We are guardians of considerable amounts of sensitive data, and it is vital for our business integrity that care is taken to safeguard both the information and the database systems themselves and all actions are in line with our Data Protection Policy.
Copy Club will hold individual team members personally liable if they or their associates, business partners or clients, suffers any loss or damage to reputation as a result of a breach of these conditions.
Failure to this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken against you, up to and including dismissal for Gross Misconduct.
If we are to provide you with computer equipment, such as a laptop, the security of any equipment we provide to you is your responsibility. Please reference the section on Tech & Equipment for more information.
We use email and communications tools to communicate and collaborate with each other on a daily basis. They allow us to share information and keep each other in the loop, however inappropriate use may result in a disciplinary action. We may review and check your communications and any messages that contain any malicious or discriminatory content including sexually orientated images, or that are defamatory, should be flagged to your Line Manager.
We recognise that social media will be an important element in our team members' personal lives as well as in the way we drive our business forward. However, any posts that damage the reputation of Copy Club or anyone associated with Copy Club may be classed as Gross Misconduct. Never use a client’s name in a blog or online unless you have their permission to do so.
We recognise that you may feel passionately about certain topics, and whilst we encourage social media engagement on behalf of Copy Club, we would ask all team members to remember they are representing Copy Club online. Therefore, please do not engage in conversations that may escalate and cause negative backlash for the Company.