Flexible working - what it means for us

Managing YOUR time

We want you to manage your energy and your time - and respect whatever decisions you need to make to be the best, happiest, shiniest version of yourself.

We trust you to organise your days to be the most productive and inspired.

The flip side of this, is that if we ever feel like that trust is being betrayed, we’ll crack down like dragons. Watch out.

You need to create healthy environments to stay focused.

Some practical tips

  1. Flight mode on your phone is your friend

  2. Consider turning your wifi off - even 20 mins of no disruptions will blow your mind how fast you can crack through a deck

  3. Slack is BRILLIANT in supporting with this.


    HACK 2 -> UPDATE YOUR STATUS - eg. “Gone for a walk for an hour”

You can even sync this with your calendar.

  1. Use Clockwise to organise your diary on your behalf
  2. “Walk to work” - try and get out for a walk in the morning before you start. It can be your daily commute to your desk, even if for five minutes around the block. You could always do this in the afternoon, but I get tired, so never do. Mornings means it gets DONE.
  3. Wind down - if you are off for the day, its the weekend or you just need a break, mute our whatsapp groups. Turn off notifications.