Radically Candid communication

You’ll have received a copy of Radical Candor when you start and that’s because we think it’s a phenomenal book that sets out an approach to feedback we aspire towards.

What we believe

Feedback is saying what you think will make someone thrive. That’s definitely not just how they could have done something differently, which is what you’ll be thinking when you read the word “feedback”. Instead, it’s about calling out how and when they excelled in specific, focused language so they can identify their own strengths.

Constructive feedback is NOT criticism. Criticism is personal and assumes a flaw or weakness. Good feedback should be received and given on the assumption that both parties are each others’ biggest fans. The objective is to make someone’s super-strength shinier, and to make them happy.

To borrow the hackneyed phrase, “Feedback [really] is a gift”. Well-delivered, considered feedback is, in fact, the kindest thing you can do for someone.

We believe that being good at what you do and seeing ourselves develop makes us happy.

Our jobs are to be team-mates for each other first, and to run our own projects second. We have one shared North Star.

In our primary role as team-mates, our key responsibility is to make everyone we work with the best (and happiest) version of themselves.

We believe that people are their best when they are using their super-strengths as often as possible.

Getting good feedback is the duty of the recipient, NOT the giver. The first art is in asking the right question that creates an environment where someone feels you are receptive, and understands what you are looking to explore. The second art is in listening attentively and absorbing the information. We don’t believe that you have to respond to every piece of feedback shared.

We should praise often, generously and in detail. We should celebrate success proudly, without fear of bragging. Sod it, worthy bragging should be encouraged.

How we make our beliefs a reality in our culture

We regularly ask for feedback, across all levels, all the time. There is never a forum where it’s inappropriate.

Our feedback is continuous. It’s every day, all the time, and it’s delivered quickly and informally. We don’t put huge weight on quarterly performance reviews.

We remember that we are feeding back to people we love. If we ever have anything constructive to say, we do it on video or in a voice-note. In writing the tone never comes through right.

We really celebrate our success, sharing actively when things are going well. WhatsApp and team meetings are perfect forums for this.

Being mates is important. We hire people we all want to go for wine with. We spend time hearing about each others lives. If we are having a tough time, or a great time, personally, or professionally we talk about it. By genuinely caring about each other, it’s easy to give feedback that is considerate.