We believe that clear, open, and fair procedures for the resolution of problems are necessary both for the success of Copy Club and for the fair treatment of all our team.


Copy Club is committed to promoting a positive working environment where team members feel they can raise work-related concerns, problems, or complaints with their Line Managers both informally and formally if required. Our objective is to encourage communication so that questions and difficulties arising during employment can be brought into the open and resolved quickly, and fairly.

Most grievances can be resolved quickly and informally through discussion with your Line Manager, so we encourage you to raise any issues on an informal basis before commencing the Company's formal procedure. Often raising issues promptly at the time in a sensible way helps to solve them and prevent further difficulties. The purpose of the formal grievance procedure is to give you the opportunity to raise any concerns, problems or complaints affecting you at work.

We want everyone to feel comfortable, safe and heard at Copy Club and understand the importance of confidentiality when dealing with such issues.


It is not always necessary to hold an investigatory meeting but where it is, everyone is required to cooperate fully with the investigation relating to disciplinary or grievance procedure. Copy Club will ask a member of the Senior Leadership Team to investigate a complaint, or may for some incidences, use an outside consultant to ensure impartiality.


Copy Club may suspend you on full contractual pay. Suspension is not a disciplinary penalty and carries no implication of guilt. Whilst on suspension you must be available for work or meetings as required during normal working hours. During a period of suspension your passwords will be barred and access to the computer system will be denied.

The Right to be Accompanied at Hearings

You can be accompanied at any disciplinary or grievance hearing by:

Your representative has the right to explain or sum up your case, and to respond to any views expressed at the hearing. The representative may not answer on your behalf.

Notes for Colleagues

We are pleased for colleagues to support each other through these proceedings but you are not obliged to do so. Having a colleague present helps to ensure that matters are dealt with fairly and we appreciate your assistance. You are asked to respect the confidentiality of these proceedings.